Nation housing

More information and registration for queues

More detailed information about the nations' housing and their queueing system can be found at Nationsgårdarna. If you want to become a member of a nation or learn more about what activities they offer, please visit

Uppsalas student nations own about a third of all student housing in Uppsala. Please note that even if a membership in one of Uppsala's nations grants you access to all nations' activities, you can only apply for housing in your specific nation. So keep that in mind when you choose which nation, or what nations, you will join. 

The application rules and other contract details can differ from nation to nation. Some nations have a large number of housing and others have a small stock. This will affect how fast you can get housing from the nation you choose. In general the queueing time is shorter in the nations' housing queues than in the queues of conventional housing companies. So, it is a good idea to join all housing queues, both conventional and nation ones.  


Four questions about nation housing

What are the basic requirements to live in the nations' housing?

To live in the nations' housing you need to fullfill two main criteria:

1. You have to be a member of the nation that owns the housing.

2. You need to be an "active" student (what "active" student means can vary from nation to nation, but normally this means that you should study fulltime at Uppsala University or SLU).

The nation's housing foundation will do regular inspections to check that you fullfill the requirements, so make sure you know what terms are stated in your contract.   


In which nations can you get in a housing queue even before you have gotten admitted to the university?

Stockholms nation, Gästrike-Häsinge nation, Norrlands nation, Kalmar nation, Uplands nation, Smålands nation, V-Dala nation and Östgöta nation. Visit Nationsgårdarna to create a temporary account.   


In which nations can you get in a housing queue even before you have gotten a nation membership?

Stockholms nation, Gästrike-Häsinge nation, Norrlands nation, Kalmar nation, Uplands nation, Smålands nation, V-Dala nation and Östgöta nation. Visit Nationsgårdarna to create a temporary account.  


Which nations have special housing reserved for 'recentiorer' (new students) at the beginning of the semester?  

Västmanlands-Dala nation, Kalmar nation and Gotlands nation.


In which nations is it most likely for a new student to get offered a housing contract?

The queueing time is affected by the size of the housing stock of the nation and also by the amount of students that finish their studies that particular semester and thus move somewhere else. So it varies from semester to semester how long the queueing time is. If you have questions regarding a specific nation's approximate queueing time, go ahead and contact them. They most definitely have valuable information about their specific housing queue.


Uppsala's 13 nations

General information

The nations offer many types of housing, e. g. corridor rooms, double rooms, triple rooms, smaller apartments and bigger apartments for families and for friends sharing. Some nations have rules that states that you need to have been a member of the nation for a certain amount of the semester before you can apply for the more attractive housing, such as the apartments. So, double check what rules apply at your nation.  

The rent for a corridor room is between 3000 and 4000 SEK. For some of the nations' housing, especially the corridor rooms, you only have to pay rent 10 months a year, normally June and July are rent free. The rent for the apartments vary due to size and age. Normally the nation housing foundations aim to keep the rents on a low level for all students to afford. The rent for a single room apartment is usually around 4000-5000 kr. Apartments in newly built apartment complexes have a higher rent.


Stockholms nation

Area: Kåbo, Luthagen, Studentvägen

Application: Nationsgårdarna

More information: /


Uplands nation

Area: Centralt, Sysslomansgatan, Rundelsgränd

Application: Nationsgårdarna

More information:


Gästrike-Hälsinge nation

Area: Studentvägen, Observatoriet

Application: Nationsgårdarna

More information: /


Östgöta nation

Area: Kåbo, Luthagen, Fjärdingen

Application: Nationsgårdarna

More information: /


Västgöta nation

Area: Central

Application: Housing distribution takes place at the nation. If you're interested you put your name and information on posted lists at the nation.  

More information: 


Södermanlands-Nerikes nation

Area: Triangeln, nation quarters

Application: Housing distribution takes place at the nation once a month.   

More information: 


Västmanlands-Dala nation

Area: Triangeln, Svartman, Observatoriet, Majklockan, Ängsklockan, Misteln

Application: Nationsgårdarna 

More information:


Smålands nation

Area: Luthagen

Application: Nationsgårdarna  

More information:


Göteborgs nation

Area: nation quarters

Application: When a vacant housing is available, submit an application. 

More information:


Kalmar nation

Area: Centralt: Rundelsgränd, Rackarnäbbet

Application: Nationsgårdarna

More information:


Värmlands nation

Area: Luthagen

Application: You submit an application once every semester to the housing curator. A queueing list will be established based on HP-points and extra points from engageing in the nation activities.   

More information:


Norrlands nation

Area: Kåbo, Luthagen

Application: Nationsgårdarna

More information: /


Gotlands nation

Area: City (nation house), Rackarberget, Vaksala torg

Application: When a vacant housing is available, it will be posted on the nation. Submit an application (to be found at the nation's webpage). You need to be present at the nation at the day of the distribution of the housing or send an authorized representative. 

More information: 


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