Welcome to Studentboet!

We want to make the housing situation better for students in Uppsala by offering information about the housing market, giving advice when looking for housing opportunities, by gathering and examining ads on the secondary market through our website as well as assisting students with legal advice when it comes to the housing market.

Individuals who want to advertise free of charge on our website are welcome to do so via the form here. If you need assistance to publish an ad, have questions about the housing market or have other thoughts you want to share regarding accomodation in Uppsala, you're always welcome to call or e-mail us here.

 Follow us on Instagram & Facebook in order to get information about Uppsala's housing market, opening times during holidays and what Studentboet is up to in general.


Latest housing


Valthornsvägen 48A / Gottsunda

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Sankt Johannesgatan 162 / Ekeby

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Idrottsgatan 17 / Tuna backar

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